

We achieve this by being highly consultative with our clients.

Energy Efficient

Energy Efficient

We achieve this by being highly consultative with our clients.

Local Presence in Nigeria

Local Presence in Nigeria

We achieve this by being highly consultative with our clients.

On Time

On Time

We achieve this by being highly consultative with our clients.



We achieve this by being highly consultative with our clients.

Customized HVAC Solutions for Any Applications

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is more than just a regular company. We’re a team of skilled engineers, innovative designers, and capable executors who work together to bring your vision of developing and expanding advanced HVAC and MEP solutions to life.

We build lasting connections by valuing our clients as essential business partners, fostering collaborative relationships built on trust and mutual success.

We are deeply committed to helping you save energy, cut down on your energy expenses, and promote a healthier environment

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is more than just a regular company. We pride ourselves on being a highly skilled team of engineers, innovative designers, and experienced project executors dedicated to developing and implementing advanced HVAC and MEP solutions tailored to your specific needs.

We don’t just deliver products or services; we partner with you to transform your vision into reality, helping you achieve the highest standards of energy efficiency, sustainability, and operational excellence. Our solutions are meticulously designed to ensure optimal performance while reducing energy consumption, thereby cutting down on operational costs.

Innovative Technology

Quality Solutions

Products & Services

Industrial Air Treatment and Cooling Solutions

Why Choose us

Leading the Way in West Africa as Specialists in HVAC Solutions.

At Saisha Engineering, we believe going beyond the blueprint. From meticulous planning to flawless execution, we oversee every aspect of your projects with unwavering dedication.


To harness the advantages of being locally situated in Nigeria to provide tailored solutions that address regional needs, fostering economic empowerment and sustainable development.
Why Choose us

Leading the Way in Global Markets as Specialists in Thermal Solutions

At First Finish, we think far beyond the project at hand. We manage aspect of a hotel renovation project including due diligence pricing, preconstruction, model room development, material selection input and sourcing, project construction Lights moving god morning day.

Our Mission

At First Finish, we think far beyond the project at hand. We manage aspect of a hotel renovation.

Our Goals

The foundation of First Finish’s signature fast-track renovation schedule is a the uniquely collaborative.
$ 1 billion
2023 Revenues
Craft and staff employees
1 +
Awards Winner

Some feedbacks from honorable Clients

Our Clients

Contact us

Let’s Talk With us!

For any Inquiries

Head office address:

27A, Salvation Road, Opebi, Ikeja, Lagos.

Call for help:

+234 701 144 3002
+234 808 237 6519

Mail for information:


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Saisha Engineering Company Ltd.