
Why Choose Us

There are many companies but why choose us

We achieve this by being highly consultative with all our clients, focusing on technical operation, capacity building, quality manufacturing and implementation.

Expert team

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Presence in Nigeria After sales services - locally procured material Energy efficient solutions Work in local currency Timely Delivery Commitment to Sustainability Comprehensive Services Proven Track Record

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

With us, there’s no need to break and remake. We provide solutions that modify your existing facilities without starting from scratch. Our value-driven approach incorporates comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring project success from start to finish.

When we engaged Saisha Engineering, our goal was to enhance our HVAC facilities without any disruptions. Saisha exceeded our expectations by delivering outstanding improvements without the need for extensive modifications. I highly recommend their services.


Alben Healthcare (Ind.) Limited

We faced challenges with space and alignment in our facility, but after explaining our constraints to the Saisha Engineering team, they designed and installed customised panels that significantly improved our operational efficiency.

Managing Director

Kingsize Pharmaceutical (Nig.) Limited

Despite the fluctuating economic conditions, Saisha Engineering provided exceptional service at an affordable price, maintaining the same cost for two years without compromising on quality. I am thoroughly impressed with their commitment to value. I unreservedly approve Saisha Engineering services. This company is second to none.

Prof. (Mrs.) Anyachebelu

M.D, Gauze Pharma & Lab (Nig.) Limited

We engaged Saisha Engineering for top-tier cooling units and ducting on a tight deadline. They worked around the clock to deliver on time without compromising quality. Their installation work was exceptional. These guys really know their onions.

Mr. Saini Baljor

Maintenance Head, Vitabiotics Nigeria

Presence in Nigeria

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors

Locally Procured Material

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors

Energy Sufficient Solutions

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors

Work in Local Currency

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors

Timely Delivery

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors


Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors

Comprehensive Services

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors

Proven Track Record

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors
Our Clients

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)
Saisha Engineering Company Ltd.